How to Communicate Assertively

Stacey | SJS Coaching Services
2 min readMay 4, 2022


Talking to each other

We communicate all the time. Sometimes our thoughts and emotions prevent us from communicating effectively. When this happens, how we communicate can make or break a situation, especially in the workplace.

Assertiveness is communicating in a way where needs or wishes are stated clearly with respect for yourself and the other person. The outcome of assertive communication often leads to a win-win situation where both parties needs are met. This is why assertive communication is deemed to be the best way to communicate.

Here are 3 tips to improve your communication so that you communicate assertively:

TIP 1: Increase your awareness

The awareness of your own reactions, together with an understanding and awareness of how the other person might be reacting (their thoughts, feelings and responses) will help you respond in a more helpful and effective way.

TIP 2: Plan ahead

Sometimes when we communicate, we don’t think about what we’re saying or how we’re saying it. This can inevitably lead to us rushing, increasing the chances of a misunderstanding. So take the time to plan ahead. Think about what you want to get out of the communication and how the other person might respond to what you’re saying. This is especially important when sharing difficult information.

TIP 3: Always aim for a win-win

A win-win situation should always be the desired outcome of communication because this means both parties needs are met. Take this into consideration when communicating. Ask questions such as ‘how can we work together to achieve what you want?’ and ‘how can you help me achieve what I want?’ Finally, give the other person time to speak without interruption and then ask for the same back. Be kind but assertive when communicating, removing blame and focusing on behaviours rather than specific attributes of the person you’re communicating with to eliminate the risk of them feeling attacked and responding accordingly.

Implement these tips today to see an improvement in the way you communicate.



Stacey | SJS Coaching Services

An accredited coach and therapist who specialises in helping millennials find their authentic self so they can thrive in life and work.