Why it’s so important you thrive instead of just survive

Stacey | SJS Coaching Services
3 min readMay 4, 2022


Thriving is something you often don’t have time to think about. What does it even mean?

Thriving instead of just surviving

A thriving person lives with intention and purpose. They wake up every day clear on what they want to achieve and how they are going to do it. They love themselves and treat themselves in such a way that means they shine with confidence and motivation. They feel fulfilled, content, and happy because every aspect of their life is aligned with their deepest desires. They bounce back after setbacks and have resilience in times of continuous change.

Thriving means different things to each of us but research has proven that there are 2 massive benefits to thriving instead of just surviving, benefits which I’m passionate about sharing because I think they’re life changing. Read on to find out what they are.

Research has shown the 2 main benefits to thriving instead of just surviving are:

1) Increased Life Satisfaction

Most of us are familiar with the concept of good and bad days. When you thrive you have more good days than bad because you feel greater satisfaction in your day. You’re happy with your life and work as they are aligned with what you believe, value and enjoy. As a result, you perform to a higher standard and overcome change with ease and positivity. In addition, you have more confidence and faith in your own ability and so you take on more challenges and build resilience so that even when things aren’t going your way, you’re able to bounce back quickly. All of this leads to a high quality of life; you live a life you design and love and take responsibility for the way you live. You focus on controlling the controllable and let go of everything else.

2) Increased Longevity of Life

A thriving person not only has more energy to do fulfilling activities, their energy, positivity and zest for life impacts those around them too. You create a bubble of likeminded people who shape and influence your outlook on life. As a result you’re more motivated to succeed and are generally more healthy, both in body and mind. You believe you’re worth investing time and money into so you take courses to enhance your knowledge, make time to exercise, and commit to the things that are truly important to you. As a result you live for longer. That’s right, thriving instead of just surviving leads to a longer life! This is because the mindset of a thriving person means they take care of themselves, they have balance in their life so are less likely to experience extreme stress and burnout, and they’re not afraid to live by their own rules rather than falling into roles defined by others. Everything about their mindset and way of living leads to harmony, internally and externally, meaning their body and mind are at ease and under less pressure.

If living longer and enjoying your life more isn’t enough of a reason to thrive instead of just survive, request a copy of my how to thrive guide to find out what other benefits there are. It’ll show you how to get started on your journey for FREE. Visit www.sjscoachingservices.com to request your copy today.



Stacey | SJS Coaching Services

An accredited coach and therapist who specialises in helping millennials find their authentic self so they can thrive in life and work.